Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chalene Johnson's 30-Day Challenge: Day 4

Assignment 4: Clarifying your push goal.

And here is the worksheet.

Recapping the 10 goals from yesterday:
  1. be a calmer, more dedicated parent
  2. reduce the amount of processed food my family eats
  3. squat my bodyweight
  4. dead lift 1.5 times my bodyweight
  5. explore additional career options
  6. read at least 2 books per month
  7. run an 8K
  8. adopt a home cleaning and organization system
  9. complete NaNoWriMo
  10. spend time more time outside
Put a star next to the two goals that make all the others easier to achieve, and two stars next to the push goal. I'm supposed to write down what it's going to feel like when I achieve this goal, and be really specific about it.  I picked some shitty goals because there are a few distinct categories, but nothing that really relates to anything else overall. My fitness goals aren't going to jack for my parenting, or vice versa. My leisure goals, well, okay, I guess that's it. My fitness and leisure goals affect my overall well-being, which influences my home life. Okay, so. I don't know. I'm not really in the right frame of mind to think about this right now. I may have to come back to it tomorrow, after I've had time to think. Maybe this would a good pre-bed meditation.

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